Every woman has been through or will go through pain that she cannot
explain to anyone. The situation is usually impossible. Because God
made us helpers to everyone in our family and friends, we hurt for
many reasons.
People who work out understand the balance of pain needed to see a
physical difference in the body. Pushing beyond the pain is a part of
a regular work out. Then there is the two days after a hard work out.
Places in the body are screaming for attention.
When we are in emotional pain, it is a spiritual work out. We need to
seek balance. God is there and is ready to ease the pain. He does not
expect us to do it on our own. There is no way to get over pain unless
we give it away to Him. He offers to carry the burdens but we have to
give them up.
What can we do? We cannot change people or most circumstances.
God can do the impossible and He does this all of the time. We need
to notice all of the every day miracles that are happening around us.
Yes, we can ask Him to heal the pain someone is experiencing but the
timing of His answer is up to God. We may never understand why
things happen in the lives of our loved ones. God has a purpose and
we trust Him.
The community of women in this world experiences hardship every
day. Age has nothing to do with it. Young girls can already be caught
up in the hardships of life. What can a woman of God offer?
God is always with His children. He never leaves us. He loves us with
and everlasting love. He meets the moment by moment needs.
If you are going "through" right now remember that He chooses the
strong to endure to the end. Everyone cannot be trusted to continue
living their faith in really hard times. People are watching and
listening to find out if God is real in the hardships of life. You are
making a difference in someone's life today.
Thank you for your encouragement!