Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summer is over

Wow!  What a summer!  I don't know about you but mine was very
full.  Many experiences were uplifting, enjoyable, relaxing and
memory making for the family.  Some of life's moments draw us closer
to God and make us realize that He is our only Rock.  He is always
there and always good to His children.

I did lots of traveling which is a part of summer vacation.  Now that
I am retired, I don't need summer to take a vacation anymore.
Getting older is good in so many ways.  I visited family in the
muggy midwest.  I journeyed to the northwest at the most beautiful
time of their year.  We went to Victoria for the first time and
thoroughly enjoyed time with family there.  We spent quality time
in Arizona with family and friends.  I am writing from San Diego
where we have family.

No matter what happens, we are here to be with people.  Sometimes
people need us for encouragement, help, understanding or just back
up.  At other times we need people to remind us of why we are here.
God can do everything Himself but He chooses to allow us to do
His work while we are here.  How amazing is that!!  I cannot get
my mind around how low God has to go to help us to understand
anything about His greatness. 

Lately I am having more focused time with Him.  It is so wonderful
to be surrounded by Him through His word and prayer.  I hope this
was a good summer for all of you.  Now let's get back on schedule and
make some plans to be with people who need us and still want us.

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