Sunday, August 24, 2014


  Are we ever too old to be a learner?  Is it possible to be the wise
person in every situation?  Do we learn by experience, study,
listening or application?  Is it necessary to be a lifelong learner as
a Christian in today's world?

   I am now 67 years old.  I have learned by each of the above 
mentioned criteria.  Each day older, I realize that there is so much
more that God has to teach me.  I have heard thousands of 
sermons and God keeps refining and redefining my understanding.
It is so exciting to know that He has more for me to learn.

  Experience has been a very important part of my education.  If 
you pay attention, you can save yourself  time and pain by learning
a lesson once.  I am thankful that I have been given the opportunity
to share with people who are going through something I have been
through myself.  It is interesting that many people say they
understand when they cannot possibly understand if they have 
not been in the situation. It is encouraging to know that God will
use every circumstance we have dealt with to help someone else.
Many times the person we help is not as strong as God knew we
were.  He lovingly gives us only what He knows we can handle.

  Study, for me, means that I make time with God a priority.  It
is an essential part of the day.  I cannot go on without His input.
I need Him to be a part of my day.  I want His leading to make
any decision.  Prayer is a major part of this dynamic.  He is
always available...especially when I just call out His name for
help.  The mind takes in the information but reality is using
the information to do what He wants.  This is my spiritual
workout that keeps me in shape.

  Listening and application come when we are sitting under
a teacher, pastor, counselor.  Church means nothing if I am
not prepared to be open to God's message for me.  I must
be ready to grow in knowledge if I am to receive anything
from what I hear.  Too many times information is taken
and stuffed in a pocket until next time.  God holds us
accountable to use what we have learned.  It is not an
option.  He gives me opportunities  to share and I need
to do it.  What a blessing when I can help someone with
something that God has given me.

Yes, I believe that we are all lifelong learners.  It is a gift
from God. He loves it when we want to know more about
Him.  I am thankful that He continues to bring me along
gently.  He is such an encouraging teacher.




  1. always an encourager nancy, need to apply everything you shared...He really is with us when we ask him to be near us...Great blog, keep writing are so gifted.

  2. Love your blog and the challenge to be an encourager!!!
